
Site UX Overhaul+Redesign+Multilingual

Rail-Veyor website screen shots

Project Name: Website UX Overhaul+Redesign+Multilingual Versions
Client: Rail-Veyor
Website: www.railveyor.com
Skills: Research, Prototype, Design, Development, Testing, Launch, Maintenance
Category: Website Development

Rail-Veyor came to us facing a number of challenges with their existing website. In addition to an out-of-date and unresponsive design, they had an unnecessarily complex site structure and content management system (CMS). This limited their ability to add and update content as their organization evolved. Rail-Veyor also needed to convey a broader message to help change the mindset of mine developers and financing companies.
We explained their concept in easy to understand terms and then elevated their overall look. In addition, we focused on lead generation and quick conversation starters through online tools and direct marketing. To simplify their existing website for improved user experience, we looked into the content and visitors who were coming to the site to find the best possible solutions. We then matched the visitor goals with the organization’s business and development goals to ensure the site’s new structure and flow addressed the needs of all stakeholders.

I partnered with a project manager and a developer to uncover end-users concerns. I created wireframes and prototypes to share the vision with the client. I designed, built, and launched the website. Back-end programming completed in collaboration with a developer.
Responsive HTML5, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, JS.
Hosting and managing the website.
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